Code of Conduct - Our values for fair cooperation

The story of any business is part of its success and stories need to be told. Ours is now almost a quarter of a century old and we like to look back. We would like to share this with everyone and tell you with shining eyes about days gone by.

AVMS Values - What makes us tick

Responsibility, respect, trust, reliability, change

Knowing one’s values creates a solid foundation for satisfaction and success in life and work. We take responsibility in every situation in life by acting in a respectful manner towards our fellow human beings. We trust our employees and partners and thus create a basis for fair and loyal cooperation. An open error handling and a resulting constant improvement culture creates exactly the reliability that you as a customer rightly expect from us. In doing so, we are happy to face the changes in society, industry and technology in order to always inspire you with state-of-the-art solutions for your projects.

Welcome to AVMS GmbH - our strong women
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Our future - the trainees of AVMS GmbH